Heavenly Hugs is a small but dedicated group of women that usually meets the third Saturday of each month. It is truly a gathering of special women who support our church’s outreach and each other. We are always happy to have new folks join us. Lessons and fun are free! Our goal is to bring a small gift of God’s love to those in need and to also commemorate special life events.
We are also here to celebrate life! We present young parishioners with blankets after baptism. Other times we have honored parishioners for their service or helped celebrate special birthdays and weddings. And, of course, there is always our favorite: afghans for our high school seniors. Each year, we have the privilege of making a special afghan for our young adults as they head out into the world. It is our hope that they take a piece of St. Peter’s with them as they move on.
We always have items available to share with those in need, and if we don’t have what you need, we can try to get it fast. The most wonderful thing about this ministry is we have no idea how we have helped those in need. Sometimes we get beautiful thank-you notes, but often folks in need are not able to share their stories. But we are confident that through our handmade items they are touched by God’s love and know that we are praying for them.
If you would like to know more about us, please see Jessie Akerson. You may also find more resources at the Prayer Shawl Ministry website.