Following the lead of Presiding Bishop The Most Reverend Michael J. Curry, St. Peter’s joins with other voices in the Church to bear witness against the ongoing sin of racism in our country. Curry reminds us that, “Our long-term commitment to racial justice and reconciliation is embedded in our identity as baptized followers of Jesus.”
As a community of faith we are new to this effort, and commit ourselves to learning about and engaging in the work of dismantling racism.
To that end, the Vestry of St. Peter’s adopted this resolution on July 13, 2020 as a statement of faith and witness. We cherish the prayers of our community as we step into the difficult process of confronting our own racism, listening to the voices of the oppressed, and following the call of Jesus to love and advocate for our neighbor in need.
A list of resources to assist in the effort to learn more has been curated by the Racial Healing, Justice, and Reconciliation Ministry Network of the Episcopal Church in Connecticut.