We hope you will join us for worship on a Sunday morning, or other liturgical occasion.

During what is known as the “program year” (September – mid-June) we worship in the sanctuary at 8 AM and 10 AM. We stream the 10 AM service live on Facebook Live or YouTube Live.  In July and August we will hold one service at 9 AM with limited music.

We meet on the first Sunday of the month for “interactive church” in the parish hall for our 10 AM service from September through June. This service offers us ways to engage with each other intergenerationally in small groups while discussing the lessons or themes of the day, or season, in conjunction with Eucharist.  On such occasions the 8 AM service is streamed instead of the later service. Most often Interactive Church is held on the first Sunday of the month. Check our “events” page to confirm timing.

Most recorded services from Sundays and Feast Days are uploaded to our YouTube channel under the “HOME” or “LIVE” tab. Occasionally technical glitches prevent an upload.

Sunday school and nursery care are on hiatus at this time. If you are in need of nursery care, please get in touch with us as soon as possible so that we might make arrangements for nursery coverage.